Found The Source!

Tia Alstreim pursed her lips as she looked at her father's grin.

When the first time the Whispers of Fate phenomenon happened to her, she heard something whisper in her mind. It told her to quickly head towards her mother. At that time, she was playing with her father and the sounds she heard in her mind were both incomprehensible and comprehensible to her at the same time.

It the sounds was to be described, these mysterious whispers were similar to listening to a scrambled radio signal fluctuations.

She instantly became scared and told her father who was beside her at that time, spending time with her like he always would at least five times a week.

Initially, Edgar Alstreim thought that someone pranked his daughter using Soul Transmission. He searched for soul force undulations but couldn't find any and almost dismissed it as a child's outburst.