Returning to the Ethren City

Davis didn't have much hope since he already got rejected once but he wasn't aversed to giving a second chance either since they had become close in these four months. 

The way he saw it, Nadia was the one on the losing end since she denied to become his magical beast mount. It was not arrogance but facts backing up his thoughts.

"If you're just looking to become my mount to gain access to the human territories, then forget it. I'm looking for a Magical Beast Mount who is more familiar and willing to listen to me... If you're not interested, then just pretend if I didn't say anything..." Davis laughed and shook his head as he made his intentions clear.

"I am interested..." Nadia replied with bright eyes which garnered both Davis and Evelynn to be astonished.

Didn't Nadia say that she wasn't interested? But that was over three months ago... or so they both thought.