So, Who Is She?

Davis lay on the messy bed along with Natalya. She held onto his built body with her soft arm and lay her head over his chest, feeling his heartbeat which calmed her down. Besides, she was not willing to let go of him as she cherished the post-coital moment of cuddling in bliss.

However, now that the deed was complete and her mind became clear, she became scared.

All that occurred before midnight came to her mind.

She had a breakdown in her room and only thought of making him hers, not willing to let go of her fascination and attraction to him. In fact, she came to realize that it was her obsession that let her visit him at the night in hopes of making him hers.

However, once she got blasted with the fact that she would be nothing more than his second woman, she still couldn't let go of her obsession. She completely realized that she had really agreed to be his second woman when she told him to make her his woman.