Don't Even Need To Posture

Davis entered the residence and closed the door with his soul force. The walls behind him were over fifty meters tall, hence, the people outside were generally unable to see what was happening inside the entire residence.

Of course, if they flew above, they would be able to see but Davis had already taken this into account and set up an Illusion Formation that did nothing other than to display some other scene when viewed from the outside.

Hence, from the outside, the residence will generally appear to be empty.

Originally, he had thought of using a Concealment Formation but it directly interfered with the Peak-Level King Grade Formation, Regal Unbending Eyes Formation, so he had to resort to another method to conceal outsiders eyes.

Only Seventh Stage Cultivators and people of status were allowed to fly in the second level of Ethren City, so the illusion formation he had bought was also at King Grade; Mid-Level King Grade.