
The disturbance that inhibited them from seeking answers quickly closed in before its silhouette became visible. Almost all the people were able to identify the newcomer, who was none other than Havle Alstreim, the Envoy of the Alstreim Family!

"Lord Envoy! it's just as you said. Senior has been extremely helpful in completely subduing this person who stirred up trouble with the Conferred Queen!"

"We suspect this soul body enslaved just now by Senior might be the mastermind who pushed the Second Prince into investigating the Conferred Queen and even going as far as to force the Second Prince to self-destruct through some methods..."

The two subordinates yelled respectively as they saw Havle Alstreim quickly near them.

Havle Alstreim finally arrived in a flash with his robes fluttering from the breeze. He stepped on the air as he steadied himself and clasped his hand towards Davis, floating beside them.