Laced With Poison?

"Uhh..." Natalya became tongue-tied before her face withered.

"Unfortunately, I never found the chance to cook for him as..."

Natalya abruptly became silent. In the temporary silence that besieged the hall, her cheeks started to turn red as she imagined what she did whenever he visited her; secretly.

They only had a short time to be together in their affairs and spending it physically was all they mostly thought about. All other things came second.

Evelynn was about to ask what had happened but she instantly understood when Natalya heavily blushed. She knew about their intimate affairs. After all, Davis had sought her acceptance before every time he went to meet her.

Then feeling like that she would be restricting him with her words if she said no, she gave in and said yes to each time he sought her out as if asking for permission. In any case, he did not neglect her in the process, so she was satisfied with his actions as well.