New Cultivation Manual

Learning from his previous mistake, Davis had set the condition for the manual to be equal or below Emperor Grade with the former being preferable and added a condition that the Dual Cultivation Manual should be able to benefit both male and female; both the sexes involved in the intimacy.

However, what he got, in the end, was a Low-Level Sky Grade Dual Cultivation Manual that wasn't worth a mention in his stage. It was only useful for a little while, and that too for Natalya and not Evelynn as she had reached High-Level Law Seed Stage already.

As for Natalya, even though it was a bit useful for her, it would soon be rendered useless in a year or two,

Davis almost had the impulse to throw away the dual cultivation manual he got but it was instead imprinted in his soul, hence, he couldn't do anything about it.