Change In...

The gate behind Alexi Ethren closed by itself, or rather, he didn't feel Davis's soul undulations as it didn't touch or brush past him.

Looking around in cautiousness and impatience, Alexi Ethren spoke, "Where's Senior?"

"Mhm? Do you mean Young Mistress's Protector? Why would that person even want to meet you if it weren't for my request?"

"Your request!?" Alexi Ethren became flabbergasted before he let out a sigh.

"You want to humiliate me? For Natalya?" He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I'm willing to entertain you any day but not now..."

"I need to save my mother!" 

Davis blinked at his outburst and cast a glance at the woman with a peaceful expression on her face. He then glanced back at him with a smile on his face.

"Your mother? Even though she is at ease as if she is ready to die..."

"It's none of your business!" Alexi Ethren retorted as he almost lost his cool.