Isabella's Leap of Faith

Davis released a sigh and asked, "Isabella, how far are you from reaching the Eighth Stage in Body Tempering Cultivation, Martial Sage Stage? I want a detailed answer."

Princess Isabella's expression faded before she gave a solemn look at him. He told perhaps, only a single one of his secrets, and there could be rather many that she might find unpleasant in the future. Despite feeling and understanding all of this, she still wanted to try placing her faith in him.

A pondering look appeared on her face before she spoke a few seconds later, "If I actively cultivated, perhaps one and a half or two years, or if I waited for you, my body is still being nourished by the Earth Dragon Immortal's Blood Essence, hence for the latter, after five years, I imagine that it would just take me a single year of seclusion to breakthrough into the Eighth Stage."