Grand Alstreim City

Elder Havle Alstreim shivered as he looked at the monstrosity behind him. This damned wolf was behind him the whole time, and he didn't realize it?

Its shoulder height alone could reach twenty meters if it were to stand, and its body was twenty-five meters long in length, excluding its powerful-looking fluffy tail. 

How could he fail to realize it!?

'Wait! The tail! Why are there two tails!?' Elder Havle Alstreim became confused before becoming flabbergasted, 'That horn... golden horn... It does not exist on the Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf... Unless...' Elder Havle Alstreim's eyes shook.

"That's right. She is a King-Tier Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf, and her name is Nadia." Princess Isabella boastfully spoke as she cast a glance at Nadia.