Immeth Alstreim

Weiss Alstreim produced an unsightly expression on his face as Immeth Alstreim quickly took out a talisman in her hand and sent a soul transmission to him.

"I'll break it if you don't retreat!!!" Her voice was laden with an ice-cold warning.

Weiss Alstreim gritted his teeth in frustration as he knew that he was a little late in suppressing and having his way with her. Honestly, he didn't expect her to fight back. He didn't know who resided on the other side, but he still knew that he couldn't possibly get caught in a matter like forcing a woman.

It was fine if it were a status-less woman, but Immeth Alstreim was a talented individual and Young Mistress Nora Alstreim's subordinate even though she was an orphan nonetheless. If he got caught, it would completely ruin his reputation, ultimately checkmating his life as a Young Master. He wouldn't be able to escape the wrath of the people who were intent on shoving him out from that grand status!