Return It?

Central North East, Alstreim Family Territory.

Above the massive Alstreim Ocean, a figure solitarily flew, rushing past the clouds that mostly blotted out the entire ocean. Many magical beasts scurried away at the sight of this silhouette, not even bothering to see what kind of existence the outline was as soon as they sensed the powerful undulations.

Even the countless sea magical beasts dwelled deeper into the ocean, not daring to come out.

Suddenly, the silhouette stopped at a point in the sky, hovering. In the surrounding hundred kilometer radius, nothing was present other than the ocean, but looking at the small island that spanned about fifty kilometers in the distance, they took a step forward and disappeared.

The next moment, the silhouette placed a foot on the island's fertile soil a two hundred kilometers away and boringly looked around, sensing a few magical beasts scampering away again.