Young Mistress? Maid?

"Davis, you're here!~" Claire smiled with joy as she saw her son return.

"Yea..." Davis pursed his lips as he walked towards him, his mind running numerous calculations in utter confusion.

'Okay, I know mother said that she enslaved her but to think that Nora Alstreim would really act as a maid...' His brows couldn't help but imperceptibly twitch.

Once Nora Alstreim finished pouring tea for both Claire and Logan, she bowed and took two steps back, like a maid. Her cheeks were crimson, but she seemed to hold whatever embarrassment she felt. The only thing different was that she still wore the Young Mistress's specific and unique white robe.

She appeared alluring in her plight, but it seemed like his parents were living the high life. 

"Nora, get a seat for my son," Claire spoke cordially.