Two Core Disciples

Drake's heart warmed, but he shook his head, "It's fine. I can challenge him to a life and death battle now that I've become a core disciple, but you cannot. I would be harming you if I were to accept this favor, and besides, I want to end his life myself!"

When Drake finished his speech, they finally arrived at the top of the mountain. The top was flat, carved to host a mansion. It seemed luxurious and grand, stretching ninety meters wide and reaching fifty meters tall!

Davis simply nodded and didn't say anything anymore, but there was still a murderous glint in his sapphire eyes.

Drake felt a strange aura, but by the time he realized it, that strange aura had disappeared, making him feel that it was just his imagination. They both walked into the mansion, seemingly greeted by a row of cyan-robed women, with another blue-robed woman at the forefront.

"Davis, you have finally come to visit us." The blue-robed woman spoke.