It's A Fantasy Come True!

While Davis stared at Nadia, she did the same. She had a look of askance, wondering why he was looking at her while embracing his fourth mistress.

Did she have something on her face?

Indeed, she was an extreme beauty whose facial features were almost perfect, but Davis wasn't thinking of that while looking at her, but instead, he was wondering if her prowess had reached the Ninth Stage! 

However, he felt that it was unlikely unless she stood at the cultivation base of Peak-Level King Beast Stage. After all, the gap seemed to just get wider and wider, but what did King-Tier stand for?

Does it absolutely allows to cross levels by two times regardless of the stage, or was it like humans just increasing their prowess by two times? Davis felt that although King-Tier's ability in crossing levels applies to levels, it surely does not apply to stages.