I Got Rejected

'Alright, I admit that I have made a mistake in having to test their integrity...' Davis thought as he reflected.

He was the one making things worse right now with the decisions they have taken. He had thought that Ezekiel Alstreim would either say yes or no, but if even the 'sacrifices' begin to sacrifice themselves for real, he really didn't know what to make of this other than that he was wrong to test Ezekiel Alstreim, to test them.

However, it wasn't like he now wasted time as he had come to know that they won't sacrifice others but sacrifice themselves for each other.

He didn't know what to say to Ezekiel Alstreim's thought of taking another woman and impregnating her to sacrifice the baby as that was messed up. Still, compared to sacrificing Nero Alstreim and Niera Alstreim, he could understand that sacrificing an unloved child, especially when the child was given birth to the sole purpose of sacrifice, was less messed up.