Is That Chu Feng Still Alive?

"If you have nothing to say, you can leave, Little Reinhardt. Forget this matter and cultivate hard in seclusion so that you may reach the Martial Overlord Stage, managing to extend your lifespan to fifty thousand years. The fires of your already withered vitality can be reignited while you still have the chance, unlike me who have reached the peak of what I can achieve, so don't ever give up."

"Yes..." Ancestor Reinhardt Weiss gritted his teeth and answered.

Inwardly, he couldn't help but muse if only this magical beast knew the difficulty to cultivate the body. He couldn't help but lament magical beasts had it so much easier, only needing to eat and sleep to grow, but he couldn't deny that Ancestor Cornelia had her fair share of struggles because the onslaught of the bloodline thinning-out problem had begun a bit before her generation of Burning Phoenixes.