
"It can't be..."

Sect Master Bing Luli spoke out in bewilderment, causing the other three fairies to come out of their trance.

"Luli'er, this matter is too important for us to just brush it away..." Ancestor Bing Hua's brows frowned, "Myria was enigmatic to us from the moment we met her, but we know that she's a reincarnated person from our interaction with her."

Sect Master Bing Luli clenched her fists as she lowered her head, "So my assumptions were right. No wonder she knew many things and was even able to revitalize Ancestor's vitality with a mysterious soul technique, eventually making it possible for all Ancestors to break through into the Martial Sage Stage. She's truly a reincarnated person."

Ancestor Wan Lanying nodded, "Luli'er, she is different from us, having her previous life's memories and a vast amount of knowledge with her, but that doesn't necessarily make her the source for the calamity."