Unexpected Visitors

After some casual talk, Mival Silverwind and his human and magical beast wives, Alia Silverwind and Zanna Silverwind, left, looking excited to consume the pill Davis gave them, while Zanna Silverwind was happy for them that they could catch up to her and perhaps even surpass her.

At this moment, Evelynn began to float as she sat in a lotus position in mid-air as if cultivation, but in reality, she was inspecting all three of her cultivations.

Davis was rather simple.

He gazed at Evelynn's transcended beauty for a while, admiring her figure and her features before thinking about Natalya and the others. They were all cultivating like responsible women, perhaps not wanting to disturb him. Only Shirley was forced to rest full-time, but the more they were like this, the more he felt bad for not having enough time to entertain them.

'Sigh, why can't I find a time chamber or something...?'