
The first few minutes, the banquet went on, but it was no longer as feisty as before as people didn't bring the topic of Shirley and Isabella's pregnancy, nor talk about the past as certain matters were best hidden.

They couldn't understand why Davis would invite these magical beasts of unknown nature into their safe zone.

Did he become too arrogant? They didn't know the answer to that but still believed in him, for he had single-handedly brought them to this state of supremacy.

Even in their own Alstreim Family Territory, the four empires did not dare to slight them and did everything they asked, practically rushing themselves into slavery in order to gain favor.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim, although proud, didn't become full of himself as he knew that with strength and status comes a row of people willing to bootlick. He only wished Davis could see through people who would approach him to earn his valuable time and favor.