
The Mandate Emperor and Karmic Guardian Emperor looked at each other after hearing the Emperor of Death's demand, appearing to be equally confused and a bit shaken.

However, the Mandate Emperor quickly calmed and returned his glance to Davis as his lips moved.

"Emperor of Death, you did say that you want to learn Mandate Laws before, but you can't just come in and demand us like that."

"True, I do not even know why Emperor of Death wants to obtain my Heaven Gazing Sect's techniques and manuals. I didn't think the Emperor of Death would be hilarious so much that I forgot that he was still a youth."

The Karmic Guardian Emperor laughed, causing the Mandate Emperor to smile as well.

Davis also smiled together with them while Nadia remained indifferent. He reached out his hand to take the teacup that the Mandate Emperor filled before he took a sip again.

"What makes you two think I'm kidding?"