Death Aura Permeates

"You dare!?" The Spatial Blight Emperor scowled, "I will retreat using an escape art and poison your entire Alstreim Family! You want to try me?"

Davis shrugged, "Even if you somehow manage to escape, you're going to die anyway."

Only at that time was Davis willing to use Fallen Heaven. After all, if he used it all the time, he would become too dependent on it, which he didn't want to as he already felt that he was overusing it.

Hearing Davis's blatant disregard, the Spatial Blight Emperor's heart began to thump at a faster rate. It was as though adrenaline left his body, making him learn the consequences of his actions. However, he still held onto the fact that they had commissioned the Hidden Night Emperor to kill the Emperor of Death's family and possibly even take them hostage.