Parents Amongst The Youths

Clara turned around and flew away, heading towards her mother, whom she found was the closest to her than the others with her soul sense. But on the other hand, the people who had a good laugh saw that she was as mystical as her brother although not as powerful as him.

They already possessed deep respect for those who could use Mandate Laws, and finally confirming that she also possessed it as they saw her lock the youth down, disallowing him to move with mere words which could only be done by those who used Mandate Laws, they accepted why she was able to get into the Heaven Mandate Temple and even become its successor.

She took down an opponent whose level is a bit higher or the same with ease, and that was not an easy feat to accomplish in the Seventh Stage, one of the three last stages of mortal shedding!

Nevertheless, how come the Alstreim Family was so mysterious that they suddenly had an influx of experts?