Sophie's Move

Sophie took away Dalila Leehan amidst the gazes of the crowd that numbered in the millions, making Davis flabbergasted.

"Did you put her up to this?"

Nora became startled as she heard Davis's inquisitive voice in her head. She hurriedly shook her head, "No, I definitely did not, but I'm happy to see this happen. You're too insensitive to my friend, son."

Nora pouted with an aggrieved expression before she flew away, causing Davis to look at her with an amused gaze. It was not like he was not aware but chose to stay away, but it looks like Sophie decided something else for him. However, even that wasn't on his mind now as he thought Sophie's actions were rather bold, making him feel joyful yet also worried.

Was this a change caused by her Darkness Soul?