Adlet Rayburn

Schleya locked gazes with Adlet Rayburn, her battle intent blazing towards him as she closely measured him.

Adlet Rayburn wore a white robe. His long golden hair flowed till the waist like a waterfall, while his facial features possessed a fatal attraction to women as he looked sophisticated other than his slanted eyes, which made him appear a bit cunning. Moreover, his bearing was such that he radiated the air of an expert, although it was unknown if he was just making it up.

Behind him were a red-haired woman and a blue-haired woman. They wore black robes as though wanting to accentuate his radiance, although they also possessed a Peak-Level Law Sea Stage Cultivation.

"Excuse me, but can you display your tile for us?"

Schleya simply took out her tile and displayed the number ten on it, causing Honorable Elder Julian Kruse, who spoke from the battle stage, to look at Adlet Rayburn.