Devastating Blow

"Emperor of Death, we swear that we are not after that treasure you mentioned. All we need is to cap-"

"What if that treasure is the source of the Calamity Light?" Davis coldly asked as his head swiveled in the Mandate Emperor's direction.


The Mandate Emperor became stunned. In that case, would they be willing to give it to this young man?

He recalled that the Karmic Guardian Emperor said that the source was Myria. However, his words were: My artifact noted that the source we were searching for is coming from that woman.

It could mean that it was Myria herself or something she possessed.

After all, due to her peculiarity about mastery in many laws, which should be mostly impossible for a young person, they instantly determined that she was a reincarnator and later found her to be the source. But now, there was also the possibility of a treasure she possessed being the source.

The Mandate Emperor didn't know what to do.