Come Out

Davis directly activated his Emperor Sigil fueled by Fallen Heaven's reincarnation energy, causing it to undergo a temporary yet powerful change before his mouth opened!


Davis and Myria both bellowed simultaneously, unleashing dreadful and fearsome reincarnation energy at each other.


Space massively collapsed in their surroundings, but they were constantly on the move while iridescent waves kept tearing everything apart.

Nadia was in the distance, shocked to see this scene. They were sundering this world, creating spatial rifts and fractures in the spatial zone everywhere they passed.


The entire fur on her body stood on end as they were heading towards her. Instantly, she leaped and disappeared, arriving far away from them. However, spatial storms kept billowing as though they were the end of the world and, in the midst, constantly fought two figures as though they didn't exist in that space.