Like Me

Hearing Myria's words, Davis couldn't help but sigh, wondering why he should explain himself to this woman but the points she put out was intriguing. He hesitated for a moment before he answered.

"Because those children have little memory of their parents and mentors, they possess little harm compared to so many others who were already invested in their identity and power. That's why I left them alive, so they can later find a way to live for themselves. Of course, if they want revenge after learning their origin, then so be it. At that time, it would be my responsibility for even leaving them alive in the first place."

"Good answer." Myria nodded, "I can't say that I approve of your actions, but someone has to stain their hands in innocent blood in order to protect the ones close to them. You're a devil like me, but more than that, you're a good man to your family."

Davis blinked, but he was inwardly stunned.