A Mission?


The water sphere sloshed with a crimson hue under the struggle of Immortal Guang. However, no matter how he struggled, he could not leave, appearing like he was drowning while his voice was unable to reach out.

To Davis's surprise, even his body was half remade, crimson flesh wrapping his soul, although it wasn't completely as he looked like a live anatomical subject placed for display. There was no skin but to top it off, his flesh was constantly bleeding, appearing like they were being devoured, the light green water stripping him of his flesh and energy.

"Apologies." At this moment, the Jade Lotus Valley's Immortal cupped her thin hands, her sleeves flailing in the wind as she spoke up, "It seemed as though as I was late, so I went the other way around to capture the wicked path loser who tried to escape instead of meeting death as he should."