Holding Closer (R-18)

Lea became taken aback by him addressing her by her title but she also heard from Natalya that there are times when spouses use titles, even strange names to call each other to increase the excitement and arousal in their bodies.

She nodded her head with a bit of anticipation displaying in her eyes.

Davis took his hands off the bed from behind and made himself comfortable, reaching his hands to caress Lea's cheeks before he collected her crimson hair into his grasp and tied them into a ponytail, holding them with one hand.

He used his other hand to go underneath her neck and grab her hanging bosom, groping them as he felt her out.


Lea released a hot breath as she could feel him play with her tits while holding her head by clasping her hair. It made her feel strange, especially when she gazed at his dominating gaze. His tyrannical aura didn't help much either, causing her to lower her gaze which fell on his rock-hard dick.