One With The World

Inside the huge estate covering many square kilometers, Davis had the others enter another empty mansion. Under Whis Alstreim's guidance, they occupied this mansion for themselves. The pathway from the entrance severed into more quarters and reached the hall, whereupon it repeated the same compartments, constructing a mansion on itself that extended for three floors above, enough for a family of hundred to live.

Everyone explored it for a while, sightseeing while also checking for traps and formations to be wary about.

Whis Alstreim explained everything to the best of his ability and left, leaving Davis and the others in the hallway.

Davis plopped his butt on the sofa, but his women quickly surrounded him, some sitting beside him while some stood behind him. They were also on the opposite sofa.

"How did you manage to flip that, Jerius? When did your body become so strong? Is it because of the Grand Chaos Body Art?"