Small Threat?

More than halfway through their return journey, Nadia stopped in a secluded valley as Davis said for her to stop.

"Alright, we should be at a safe distance to walk to the Thirty-Fourth Fire Phoenix City."

Davis, Evelynn, and Eldia alighted from Nadia as they landed on the dirt ground.

"Eldia, return to my soul sea. Don't wreak havoc, or I'll die."

"Master, I won't do something like that..."

Looking at Davis chuckle, Eldia pouted before she transformed into a black-silver ray of light and entered Davis's soul sea.

Davis shook, feeling an immense pressure sink onto his entire being. His soul felt a bit overwhelmed as though he couldn't suffice such an entity in him, but this feeling only lingered for a moment before disappearing.

'… I see. The soul couldn't host a being that's a stage higher. If at all the soul still needs to host such a being, then the soul should have the consent of that being...'