Extracting Information

As Davis completed his objective, he took many twists and turns and exited the city. He didn't return to Klade's estate because he didn't know if someone was following him or not, but after reaching a particular distance away from the city, he felt that a certain someone might know.


"Master, I don't sense any gaze on us. My doppelganger also confirmed that there isn't anyone around us in a hundred-kilometer radius except a few native magical beasts living in the wild."


Davis and the others had already crossed a huge distance in a flying boat. Right now, they were in a mountain cave which Davis customized to his needs at the moment, and lit a campfire.

As for the slave assassin and Katherine Hilltail, they stood before the campfire, not knowing why they weren't ordered anything yet. The silence made them feel uncomfortable. The slave assassin was fine with it, but the Rumbling Earthtail Lion could no longer take it.