Strange Aura

Davis's gaze was solemn as he continued to watch the silvery-white cocoon illuminate with a pure white glow every few seconds. Although his gaze was solemn, there was also excitement in it as he could sense that the palpitating heartbeat of Everlight was getting stronger and stronger.

She was about to break out of the egg-like cocoon if he was not wrong, so he rushed here.

All this time, the Transitory Beast Taming Pact had allowed him to feed her with Fallen Heaven's life energy passively.

Since he was sure that Everlight would more or less possess life energy since he fed her with it like he fed Nadia death energy, he brought her to this Nurturing Life Formation where life energy was everywhere. This life energy was fueled by the extraction portion of the Life Essence Orb, so he figured that it could also help Everlight's mutation as much as possible.