Innocent Mo Tian

Davis heard the conversation above.

A hint of excitement surged in his heart after hearing that there was a secret realm. However, with the number of mortal cultivators here, he quickly deduced that it must be something of little use to him, like an immortal resource or heavenly resource.

He had already maxed out more in the mortal realm than anyone he had heard or seen, so would this secret realm be useful for him?

Utmost, he felt that it could help his people. With that kind of assumption, he still had Klein Zyrus's assassination as a priority. He hadn't got to see the amount of karmic sin Klein Zyrus possessed since two Immortal Kings were guarding him.

Although Fallen Heaven's powers couldn't be detected easily, he didn't want to be caught gazing strangely, even if it was by chance.

"Brother, do you want to team up?"

Davis was in his own thoughts when a white-robed cultivator approached him, addressing him as he closed the distance.