Terrifying Senses

The Mid Immortal Stage experts knew that they couldn't possibly subdue Davis Alstreim with their prowess. After all, Davis Alstreim's reputation was already resounding as he was proclaimed to be a heavenly genius and a strong one at that.

No one dared to underestimate him, but it was precisely because of that they wanted to get rid of him before he could transform into a threat, whether it be by himself or recruited by their rival power.

But now, he gave the ascender, Davis Alstreim, a clue to protect himself before reinforcements could arrive to save him. Just how were they supposed to take him on now as the ruined monument would protect him from them, the Mid Immortal Stage experts?

Their anger couldn't help but fall on the white-winged wolf, but they didn't dare to offend the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan easily either.

"The Starlight Jade World King wants to protect me…?"