
Davis, Ellia, Myria, and Zora Luan arrived before a massive floating island. Mountains and rivers were flowing on the floating island as though it was natural, even flowing out of the island as they fell or flew to another island, but how this island seemed to be receiving water was a mystery even though it was at greater heights than the other islands.

The waterways were unknown, perhaps connected through spatial channels or generated through immortal formations fueled with water-attributed immortal crystals.

Still, the land constituted of grasslands, prairies, and every other refreshing and rejuvenating scenery one could possibly imagine in nature. The island also covered an area that may well be equal to the Grand Alstreim City.

But in their gaze were exquisite mansions that spread in a particular area. It could be considered a single residence or an estate in its entirety, and the land it occupied equaled that of a sizeable mortal city.