First Resident Moves

Shirley and Schleya rushed towards the northwestern part of the island, the only quadrant that they hadn't occupied yet. Forests, valleys, and mountains disappeared from their view as they arrived at another estate crawling with mansions.

They quickly arrived at the main mansion but were stunned as they saw a figure before the magnificent entrance, their motion of flight coming to a stop. They slowly descended, their eyes reflecting the silhouette of a white-robed curvaceous woman who was returning the gaze back with a smile behind her icy-blue veil.

"Sect Master Bing Luli…"

Shirley voiced out with a bit of disbelief before she heaved a sigh of relief, shaking her head, "I didn't think it was the Mystic Ice Sect's Sect Master who would become my neighbor."

"Of course, you wouldn't. How can an old lady like me compare with the likes of you young people? Besides, I'm not a Sect Master anymore, so don't call me that. It's embarrassing..."