Gathering Of The Dragons and Phoenixes


The letter was torn to shreds before scarlet flames roared and engulfed it into ashes.

However, the expressions of the Fire Phoenix Patriarch and the elders behind him remained infuriated. They were all dressed in formal attires, appearing the same except for the Fire Phoenix Patriarch. He raised his head and spread out his hands.

"What is this kind of response? Can't you all see the contempt that the Aurora Cloud Gate holds us in? After being insulted to this level, can we still allow this to slide?"

Surrounding them were many other powers, their auras poised and stable as though ready to erupt at any moment.

To the opposite side of them sat the Earth Dragon Clan, and to the other side sat other prominent powers. Considering their attire and auras that had uniquely been recognized from time immemorial, they also seemed to be from the Dragon Clans and Phoenix Clans.