Clash Between Light Laws

Overwhelming silver light shrouded the stage, causing Panqa and Lanqua to be sent flying. However, they steadily formed a shield of azure light before them and mitigated the damage that smashed toward them, retreating with smoothness as they maintained their balance.

In the distance, Klaede Sen also regained balance after being sent flying by one of the twins. His expression was unsightly as he knew he was caught off guard, making him feel extremely embarrassed to have been careless in front of so many powers.

However, he blamed Reo Sen for this mess, while the guests also felt the same nearly.

After all, if it was one versus one, then there was no need to synchronize with one's ally. In this case, it could clearly be felt that these two Moon Purging Sect's disciples didn't have much practice battling together while the twins were too experienced.

Nonetheless, as the Moon Purging Sect's disciples regained their ground, they launched their counterattack.