Savouring The Wind (R-18)

Davis's lips pressed down on her lovely nipple, sucking on it until he drew out its juices, making Fiora writhe in delight.

Then he turned his attention to the other breast, suckling on it, licking it, and making Fiora feel like she was being treated as a feast. However, the look she had on her face said that she was craving it as much as he did, giving them both the satisfaction they desired.


Fiora's face was flushed with pleasure. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, and she let out a soft sigh.

"Husband~ Let me serve you~"

She requested so earnestly, causing Davis to raise his head and look at her pleasing expression.


He heaved a bated breath and stood up, directly pointing his thick rod at her face.

Fiora appeared like a cultivator that had found a treasure, her eyes lighting up before she drew closer and placed her cheek against his rod.

"Ah~ So glorious…"