Rolling Emotions

Inside a private room designed for guests within the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan's ruling palace, Davis and the others arrived.

Naturally, he still had some things to say to Starlight Jade Wolf Clan, so he hadn't left, but at this moment, he was stiff enough to feel the heat getting to his face as his women gazed at him, waiting for his words.

The words he was about to say were on the tip of his tongue, but they refused to come out. It took him a few seconds for him to calm down before he heaved a heavy sigh.

"So, Isabella, Shirley, Tanya, and Lea. My beauties, I assume you also know about Yilla...?"

"Yes… from Mingzhi's account." Isabella had an amused expression on her face behind her veil, "I heard that you had your suspicions about her intent. Did you change your mind? And what's this about them?"

She looked towards Panqa and Lanqua, causing Davis to smile wryly.