Stopping Its...

Davis and Great Ancestor Zenflame stared, each having their own thoughts to pull off the matter they sought to achieve.

"…" Their face-off caused the others to be not able to interfere.

In fact, everyone couldn't help but feel a thorough hint of respect for the Zenflame Family's Founder. Not only was he pointing his finger toward the Emperor of Death, but he was also lecturing him like a big brother.

They felt like he had to truly pay their respects for him to be brave enough to court death.

After all, with a flick of his finger, the Emperor of Death could end any life here, which contrarily also made them respect the Emperor of Death more for moving the conversation on an equal note instead of speaking to them from a superior standpoint.

In the end, Davis aversed his gaze, turning to look toward Hirona and Sierra.

"In any case… can you two stop the Nine-Phoenix Locking Relic from rampaging? I think it's about to destroy my palace..."