Guardian Saintess

Davis turned around, his gaze moving past the Guardians as it fell on a white-robed woman descending from the skies.

She was like a fairy descending to the mortal world, emanating a captivating otherworldly aura that caused his gaze to flicker as he felt like gasping. Her complexion was as fresh as fallen snow, unblemished and radiant. A delicate face made from flawless porcelain skin, exuding an aura of purity and grace that made him want to see the features behind her opaque white veil.

Her silvery hair waved in the air as it shimmered underneath the sunlight while her brows, as fine as willows, were meticulously arched, adding an enchanting figure to her countenance. Above her eyes was a smooth, subtle diamond mark that seemed to be a power of bloodline or simply a beauty mark.