Towards The Gathering


Davis was outside the sect headquarters, waiting for Tina and Bylai to show up.

"You sure you don't want to rejoin?"

He looked at his secret channel, shaking his head.

"You're an honorable man. I hope you don't die." Elder Aradiel Furiose sighed lightly before he disappeared, leaving Davis alone.

He thought of a few matters concerning senior sister Zora Luan, not to mention his friend Drake Blackburn who recently enrolled himself in the Aurora Cloud Gate. He also thought about Nightveil, or in other words, Iris Serenity, as he gave her a task to complete. He knew that they were fine but also wondered what they were up to now, not that he had the time to go check on them.

'I'd go if they were actually facing trouble, but Zora Luan is probably just scolded in her home, and Drake is flirting around like the playboy he is...'

He chuckled to himself, wondering how many women Drake had seduced by now.