Aurora Cloud Gate's Lineup

Davis became a bit astonished as he saw Myria and Bing Luli appear.

However, his astonishment wasn't particularly reserved for them as he saw Niel Bladeheart, Garoe Rynn also appear, not to mention Xerna Zenflame, and even Vereina and Zora Luan walk over as though they had become truly powerful to be able to participate in this expedition.

He couldn't sense Katherine with Vereina, but he knew she was still alive. Could it be that she was left back at home?

But the surprise didn't stop as he went speechless when he saw Cyclonis Blizzara among them.

For heaven's sake, she was previously the Ice Phoenix Clan's Matriarch!

He only didn't know four of them in the lineup, and all of them were men, not that he cared, but the other faces were well known to him.

Did the Aurora Cloud Gate not have other Immortal King true disciples?

'Oh… right…'