Fake Calamity

Peace was recently brought to this world by the hands of the world powers signing a treaty.

The people, humans, magical beasts, spirits and feys alike, and even other lifeforms truly enjoyed peace for a period of time. But now, they could only tremble as they looked at the skies that were torn from one end to another. 

For an entire day, from the morning to the night, the people were in trepidation. They could only watch in terror as night fell as the spatial tear that was seemingly never-ending threatened to stretch and unleash untold devastation upon the world.

The tear seems to defy the laws of space, warping reality around it. Clouds were pulled towards the rift, swirling chaotically, and arcs of mystical energy shot out in all directions. As the tear appeared to slowly expand, silhouettes of magical beasts with wings the size of stars and colossal humans could be seen.