Glorious Loot?

Bing Luli watched Myria walk past her, prompting her to follow, but her eyes couldn't help but flicker as she saw a shade of crimson on her cheeks, although she couldn't be sure because her veil quickly hid her face.

Regardless, she was a bit speechless in how these two communicated and dealt with problems.

Even if Aric Stormsong was constricted and defeated, he was still an Empyreal Monarch.

Did they have no caution?

She felt like she couldn't be as confident as them anytime soon before she turned around to follow Myria.

"Bing Luli. Take care of her."

However, Davis's voice resounded behind her, causing her to freeze.

She gazed at Myria's back, feeling some kind of emotion swelling in her heart.

"Do you only see her?"


Davis became stumped, but Bing Luli didn't stay to clarify, instead flying towards Myria with hastened speed.