Unchecked Fury

"You! Don't you dare harm my brother, or we won't rest until my Hexadra Clan hunts you down!"

"Aha~ Enough with the threats. I reached my boiling point as I had enough of being unable to kill you bastards."

Davis laughed at their first brother's words, stretching out his hand as though he was going to perform the final rights.

"Fuck! Don't kill him. I will give you anything! Wealth, women, heavenly treasure, anything! It isn't worth killing him and offending my Hexadra Clan and the entire Six-Headed Hydra Upper Realm! Just name your price!"

The first brother screamed out while the third brother looked terrorized beyond compare, unable to believe that his second brother was going to die. However, the third brother's eyes widened as though he suddenly had an idea.

"It's that woman you want, don't you? Here, you can have her corpse!"