Nearing Collapse


A sound of astonishment resounded, and murmurs filled with uncertainty echoed around a large group of cultivators.

Tumultuous winds howled with an eerie, otherworldly fury, sweeping across the landscape like vengeful spirits unleashed from the depths of the earth. Giant trees as tall as mountains bent and cracked under the relentless assault, their magnificently large leaves torn away and carried into the maelstrom, leaving bare branches standing in the crimson haze.

Above, the once-blue sky had transformed into a haunting hue of crimson and violet. Dark, brooding clouds swirled ominously, obscuring the sun as it struggled to pierce through the malevolent shroud. The atmosphere was charged with unnatural electricity, casting an eerie, blood-red glow over the land below, which made most of them feel unsafe.

Anyone in the group could see the world has descended into chaos.